IXYSCorporation una compañía internacional de energía y semiconductores IC, anunció
hoy que su filial británica presentó una nueva adición a su familia de 4.5 kV
diodos de recuperación rápida (HP-sonic FRD) con una tasa muy alta de cambio de
capacidad actual y características de recuperación suave. Tiene una corriente
de operación nominal de 460 amperios y está optimizado para ser utilizado en
conjunto con la extensa gama de IGBTs de paquete de prensa de IXYS UK. Las
nuevas piezas incorporan la tecnología de ensamblaje y proceso más avanzada de
IXYS UK, reemplazando los diseños más antiguos basados en silicio flotante. El
nuevo diseño de matriz unida ofrece un diodo con estabilidad térmica mejorada y
propiedades mecánicas muy robustas. El silicio se optimiza con un procesamiento
avanzado para proporcionar di / dt inigualable, el cambio de la capacidad
actual, más de 2 kA por microsegundo, conservando al mismo tiempo una
característica de recuperación suave y bajas pérdidas de conmutación. Los
diodos están empacados en paquetes de cerámica de 26 mm de espesor totalmente
herméticos con electrodos de cobre y son compatibles para sujetar en serie en
la misma pila que la gama de IGBT de paquete de prensa de alta corriente de
IXYS UK. El dispositivo de 460 amperes tiene una matriz de 43 mm y está
empaquetado en un paquete de electrodos de 38 mm con un diámetro total de 60
mm. La designación del número de parte para este nuevo integrante de la familia
de IXYS es E0460QC45E. El FRD sonic HP está optimizado para su uso con la gama
IXYS UK en igbts de 4500 voltios; como diodos de abrazadera de punto neutro y
antiparalelo (para convertidores multinivel) con IXYS UKs los modulos
transitores T0240NB45E, T0340VB45G y T0510VB45A. Este modulo también es
adecuado para usarse como diodo amortiguador con los IGBT de paquete de prensa
más grandes de IXYS UK, como el T1600GB45G, el T1800GB45A, el T2400GB45E y el
recientemente lanzado T2960BB45E. Lo cual hace de esta novedad una muy completa
adición a la familia de modulos de IXYS.
Online distributor of IGBTs, power transistor modules and other electronics components.
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
Mitsubishi ansioso por dominar el Mercado
que muchos podrían ver el mercado de la energía como maduro, Mitsubishi apunta
a un crecimiento del 10% en los próximos cinco años para dominar la industria.
Su operación de módulos en Hungría, Vincotech, será esencial para este
crecimiento, dice Toru Sanada, Oficial Ejecutivo a cargo de Semiconductor &
Devices en Mitsubishi Electric en una conferencia en Tokio. Esto sigue a la
compra de su empresa conjunta Powerex con GE en los EE. UU. Para enfocarse en
dispositivos de potencia automotriz. Esta es una de las cuatro áreas en las que
se enfocará el negocio, dice Sanada. Estos son electrodomésticos,
automatización de fábricas industriales y energía renovable, transmisión CC y
automotriz, y serán impulsados por la fabricación de mayor volumen de
dispositivos de potencia de silicio y carburo de silicio (SiC) en obleas más
grandes. El mercado global para módulos IGBT será de $ 7 mil millones para el
2022, dominado por aplicaciones industriales y Mitsubishi pretende hacer crecer
el negocio de energía a ¥ 20 mil millones ($ 2 mil millones), o el 30% del
mercado para entonces, en vez de ¥ 130 mil millones ($ 1.3 mil millones) hoy.
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Perspectiva de IGBT en China - el ejecutivo de HHGrace Jiye Yang
transistor bipolar de puerta aislada (IGBT) es tecnológicamente el dispositivo
más avanzado entre los componentes electrónicos de potencia y cuenta con
amplias aplicaciones que van desde hornos electromagnéticos pequeños para uso doméstico
hasta industrias estratégicas como el tránsito ferroviario, vehículos
eléctricos y redes eléctricas inteligentes. Este discreto dispositivo
semiconductor se promociona como la "CPU" de las industrias eléctrica
y electrónica, con amplias aplicaciones en los campos de la energía verde, los
automóviles de nueva energía y la automatización industrial. En los últimos
años, la demanda de productos IGBT en China se ha expandido a una CAGR del 15%
para representar casi un tercio de la demanda mundial por el momento, y se
estima que su escala de mercado llegará a CNY18.600 millones (US $ 28.01 mil
millones) en 2020, con más del 90% de los chips IGBT, sin embargo, todavía
dependen de las importaciones.
en la gran demanda del mercado y respaldada por la política gubernamental,
Huahong Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing (HHGrace), con sede en Shanghái, ha
desarrollado activamente tecnologías y productos IGBT, y ha ampliado
gradualmente sus líneas de productos para incluir chips IGBT para usos comerciales,
industriales y de consumo. convirtiéndose en una importante casa de fundición
de obleas IGBT en China. En una entrevista reciente de Digitimes, Jiye Yang,
director senior de la División I de Integración TD de HHGrace, habló sobre las
perspectivas y desafíos del mercado de IGBT en China.
estadísticas mostraron que el número de vehículos de nueva energía en China
aumentó drásticamente de 20,000 unidades en 2013 a 500,000 unidades en 2016, y
un crecimiento anual de producción de más del 30% para tales vehículos
producidos en el país también se registró para los primeros ocho El plan de
desarrollo de la industria automotriz de ahorro de energía y energía publicado
por el Consejo de Estado de China (gabinete) indica que la capacidad de
producción anual del país para vehículos eléctricos híbridos totalmente
eléctricos y enchufables (PHEV) se estima en dos millones. unidades para 2020,
traduciéndose en una demanda del mercado por un equivalente de un millón de
piezas de obleas IGBT de ocho pulgadas; y su producción acumulativa y ventas de
vehículos eléctricos superaría los cinco millones de unidades para el final de
ese año, mostrando una demanda de 2,5 millones de piezas de las mismas obleas.
El mercado es realmente muy grande. Un desglose adicional mostraría que los
módulos IGBT representan el 10% del costo de producción de vehículos de nueva
energía y el 20% del costo de la estación de carga. Se estima que los vehículos
de nueva energía y las estaciones de carga crearían CNY20 mil millones en la
demanda del mercado de módulos de IGBT en los próximos cinco años.
Monday, December 18, 2017
Complete IGBT Gate Drivers from Power Integrations
SCALE-2 IGBT gate drivers from Power Integrations include
galvanic isolation, protection, and DC/DC conversion in a single module, and
are suitable for driving power mosfets and devices based on new materials such
as silicon carbide (SiC) operating at switching frequencies up to 500kHz. each
type is based on an asic chip-set that integrates the full functionality of a
dual-channel gate driver core in a primary-side chip logic-to-driver interface
and a secondary-side chip intelligent gate driver. They are available with
blocking voltage capabilities from 600V to 6,500V and from 1W to 20W per
channel drive. To ensure optimum performance for direct driving of external
n-type DMOS elements, the pre-driver stages of each of the modules incorporate
separate gate resistors for independent control of on/off functionality. There
are single- and dual-channel options, and applications are expected in
industrial, motor control, power transmission, traction, solar, wind and
Friday, December 15, 2017
Global IGBT Market 2017 - 2021
Market research analysts at Technavio predict that the global
IGBT market will grow steadily at a CAGR of around 12% by 2021. The rising
demand for electric (EV) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) is identified as
one of the primary growth factors for this market. Government initiatives for
controlling the rising environmental concerns and oil prices are driving the
shift to electric vehicles. It is estimated that EVs and HEVs can lower the oil
consumption by more than one-third by 2020 as electricity is cheap and provides
a big cost advantage over gasoline and petroleum. Moreover, electric vehicles
are more energy-efficient as they convert about 60% of the electrical energy
from the grid to power wheels, whereas their conventional vehicles convert only
about 20% of the electrical energy. Electric motors provide quiet, smooth
operations and require less maintenance than combustion engines. IGBT is a
vital component that is needed to minimize switching loss and maximize the
thermal efficiency. IGBTs play a significant role in the smooth operations of
electric vehicles in transferring power to the grid at a steady rate. With the
increase in adoption of EVs and HEVs around the globe, the IGBT market will
witness significant growth in the forthcoming years. In terms of geographic
regions, APAC will be the major revenue contributor to the IGBT market
throughout the forecast period. Rapid industrialization in the developing
countries of the region and the increasing adoption of renewable energy and
electric vehicles drive the growth of the IGBT market. Additionally, the
growing demand for energy-efficient solutions at the industrial and consumer
industries is also contributing to the growth of the IGBT market in APAC.
Informe de los Transistores bipolares de puerta aislada global (IGBT)
análisis de mercado 2016 y predicción de tendencias del mercado 2022 por
fabricantes, regiones, tipos y aplicaciones Este informe ofrece una visión
general inclusiva y de toma de decisiones, que incluye definiciones,
clasificaciones y sus aplicaciones. Se prevé que el mercado del Transistor
Bipolar de Puerta Aislada (IGBT) refleje una tendencia positiva de crecimiento
en los próximos años. Las fuerzas motrices esenciales detrás del crecimiento y
la popularidad del mercado del Transistor Bipolar de Puerta Aislada (IGBT) se
analizan detalladamente en este informe.
articulo describe con más detalle la información sobre tácticas y estrategias
utilizadas por las principales compañías clave en la industria del transistor
bipolar de puerta aislada (IGBT). También ofrece un amplio estudio sobre
diferentes segmentos de mercado y regiones. Acá se explica los asuntos mas
importantes del transistor bipolar de puerta aislada (IGBT) ofrece un análisis
exhaustivo de la siguiente manera: Segmentos de mercado y subsegmentos Tamaño
de mercado y participaciones Tendencias y dinámicas del mercado Controladores
del mercado y oportunidades Panorama competitivo Oferta y demanda Invenciones
tecnológicas en la industria del transistor bipolar de puerta aislada (IGBT)
Tendencia de desarrollo del canal de marketing Posicionamiento en el mercado de
transistores bipolares de puerta aislada (IGBT) Estrategia para colocar precios
Estrategia de marca Cliente objetivo Lista de distribuidores / comerciantes incluida
en el mercado de transistores bipolares de puerta aislada (IGBT)
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Informe de crecimiento de los modulos igbt en los meses de junio-noviembre 2017
El segundo trimestre del año que corre asi como
el preambulo al año 2018 muestra un importante avance en las cifras de mercadeo
de los modulos transitores bipolares IGBT, algo que nos vislumbra nuevos
acercamientos para los informes de los años por venir, hasta ahora poco a poco
el mercado de instrumentos que usan estos modulos ha ido creciendo mas y mas.
El informe de mercado del módulo IGBT cubre los datos del fabricante,
incluidos: envío, precio, ingresos, beneficio bruto, registro de entrevistas,
distribución comercial, etc., estos datos ayudan al consumidor a conocer mejor
a los competidores. Este informe también cubre todas las regiones y países del
mundo, que muestra un estado de desarrollo regional, incluido el tamaño, el
volumen y el valor del mercado del Módulo IGBT, así como los datos de precios.
Con la desaceleración en el crecimiento
económico mundial, la industria del Módulo IGBT también ha sufrido un cierto
impacto, pero aún mantuvo un crecimiento relativamente optimista, los últimos
cuatro años, el tamaño del mercado Módulo IGBT para mantener la tasa de
crecimiento anual promedio de 6.50% de 3220 millones de dólares en 2013 a 3890
millones de dólares en 2016, los analistas de mercado creen que en los próximos
años, el tamaño del mercado del Módulo IGBT se ampliará aún más, esperamos que
para el 2021, el tamaño del mercado del Módulo IGBT alcance los 5260 millones
de dólares.
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
FZ1200R12KL4C - A Good Solution for Solar Energy Systems
Today we will know about FZ1200R12KL4C, a
1200A/1200V IHM 130mm single switch IGBT power transistor module with IGBT2 low
loss and Emitter Controlled Diode. The weight of this device is 8.82 lbs. It is
the perfect choice for your industry applications such as Motor Control and
Drives, Solar Energy Systems, Wind Energy Systems, Uninterruptable Power
Supplies, and etc. It is manufactured by famous German manufacturer Infineon
Technologies who are specialist in making semiconductors and system solutions
by targeting the primary needs of our modern society. Infineon was known as
Eupec previously in the world of technology. High reliableness and solid module
construction are the features for which FZ1200R12KL4C is exceptional. This
module is recognized by UL too. We will be eligible to get some extra
advantages if we use this transistor in our industry applications. High power
density can be achieved for compact inverter designs by using this.
Standardized housing is another attribute which makes FZ1200R12KL4C unique. We
are going to have a discussion about the implementation of FZ1200R12KL4C in
solar inverters. Solar power has a large potential to provide the electricity
needs of the world’s burgeoning population.
However, in 2008 solar-power supplied less than
0.02% of the world's total energy supply. A solar inverter converts variable
direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar array panel to AC
voltage. The energy produced from solar panels is used to power household
appliances directly, charge batteries or feed electricity directly back to the
grid in return for credit against future power bills. All of these applications
need AC voltage. The DC voltage produced by the solar array must be converted
into a desired well regulated AC power by using an IGBT based inverter.
FZ1200R12KL4C provides advantages in solar inverter applications compared to
other types of power devices. It delivers low conduction and switching losses
resulting in high inverter efficiency. Benefits like high-current-carrying capability,
gate control using voltage instead of current and the ability to match the
co-pack diode are found when FZ1200R12KL4C is used as the power device in solar
FZ1200R12KL4C has some major advantages over
MOSFETs and bipolar transistors. First, it has very low on-state voltage drops
because of the conductivity modulation, in addition to superior on-state
current density. These factors allow manufacturers to fabricate devices with
smaller chip size and at lower cost. Second, these boast low driving power and
simple driving circuits due to the input MOS gate structure. It is simpler to
control compared to current controlled devices such as bipolar transistors.
Third, FZ1200R12KL4C has fantastic forward and reverse blocking capabilities.
These characteristics encourage designers to select this IGBT module for solar
inverter applications. Young & New Century LLC is located at Houston in
Texas, United States. Our official website is http://www.uscomponent.com. We have been
selling IGBT power transistor modules like FZ1200R12KL4C for the last fourteen
years. We sell original & new parts only. You can trust us in terms of
quality because we always try to supply the authentic parts. All of our parts
are backed up with 30 days warranty. Please take a look at our website for
stock check or technical support.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
FZ1200R16KF4 - A Reliable IGBT from Infineon
FZ1200R16KF4 is a 1600V IHM 130mm single switch
IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) Module with IGBT2 which is made by
Infineon, formally known as Eupec who is one of the leading manufacturers and
suppliers of semiconductors and system solutions. It is a 3-phase full-bridge
power module including fast free-wheel diodes package with insulated metal base
plate. It is the best solution for your traction and industry applications. In
terms of energy, there are three central requirements of our modern society.
They are: efficiency, mobility and security. Infineon provides semiconductor
and system solutions, focusing on these three central needs.
Modern train traction systems use high-speed
switching IGBTs in main circuits. High-speed switching reduces electromagnetic
noise generated by the main motor and improves the efficiency of energy
conversion. For the inverter control system, vector control is employed to
control the torque current component and the exciting current component
separately, which are output to the induction motor.
In modern, intense and heavy traction
applications like: locomotives, long-distance trains, metros and trams, which
move on a world-wide variety of railroad networks, FZ1200R16KF4 is employed.
You can find them in metro drive systems, in innovative, high speed trains and
in auxiliary inverters. There is hardly any other application that puts such
high demands on the components as traction. High quality, reliability and
lifetime are the most important product features in this market segment.
FZ1200R16KF4 has advantages like ongoing development for higher voltage and
current ratings and these benefits makes them really obligate in traction
appliances. There is barely any other application that puts such high pressure
on the components as traction. One important requirement is the ability to
withstand power cycles. Power cycles cause temperature changes which lead to a
mechanical stress that can turn into a failure. High quality, reliability and
lifetime are the most important product features in this market segment.
FZ1200R16KF4 is a very capable device which can fulfill all these requirements.
Due to its advantages in terms of fast switching,
ruggedness, simplicity of gate drive and ease of use, the use of Infineon
modules is widespread. While the IGBT can limit and commutate current due to
normal fault events, the traction environment may present situations where
extensive energy is conducted through the module. Compared to alternative
solutions, these can reduce 40 to 50% in inverter cost, weight, and volume.
However, the fast switching operation requires special attention to reduce the
circuit inductance to avoid overvoltage at switching. Another issue worth
consideration is the ability of the module to manage faults without allowing
extensive rupture or explosion.
By providing the latest technology, Infineon’s
solutions allow their customers to enjoy the benefits of standardized housings
combined with maximum reliability. They offer wide portfolio of innovative
components tailored to needs of various traction and auxiliary inverters.
Monday, December 4, 2017
FZ1200R12KF5 - Perfect IGBT for Motor Control
FZ1200R12KF5 is a TRANS IGBT (Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistor) module N-CH 1200V 78A 7Half-Bridge. This module is
manufactured by Infineon Technologies, Germany previously familiar as Eupec who
is one of the prime manufacturers and suppliers of semiconductors and system
solutions. The best applications of FZ1200R12KF5 are DC motor control, NC
equipment, AC motor control, contactless switches, electric furnace temperature
control, light dimmers & welders. In case of power & energy,
efficiency, mobility and security are three basic needs of this modern society.
Infineon has sorted their product lineup by considering these facts.
FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device that combines the voltage characteristics of a
biopolar transistor (collector – emitter) and the drive characteristics of a
Prior to 1990s, the only available power
semiconductor switching device was silicon GTO which had the power manipulation
capability compatible for motor control applications. In the 1990s, the ratings
of IGBTs had adequately advanced, to exceed one Mega-Watt allowing penetration
of the IGBT into this traction market. The availability of the IGBT allowed
significant improvements in the motor drive technology due to elimination of
snubber circuits and an increase in the operating frequency of the inverter
circuit used to deliver power to the motors. FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device
from Infineon which is used frequently for electric motor control.
The Motor Control Unit (MCU) is the vital part
of a 100% electric-powered vehicle as it handles and regulates the electrical
power supply to the electric motor to generate the necessary level of torque to
power the vehicle by converting the battery packs DC voltage into three-phase
AC. Inversely, the MCU is responsible for managing the electrical energy that
is generated by the regenerative braking system and is fed back into the
lithium-ion battery pack.
The crucial electrical components accommodated
within the Motor Control Unit are a smoothing condenser to help stabilize the
DC current, several FZ1200R12KF5 convert the DC electrical current into AC, a
heat sink to provide cooling/heat dissipation and a control board that
supervises the electric motor. The control board is located in a separate area
within the MCU from the smoothing condenser, the IGBTs and the heat sink to
protect it from the heat generated by these components.
Infineon Technologies has developed
voltage-source inverters for AC motor drive systems with IGBT based inverters
serving applications under 3,600kVA and GTO thyristor inverters for higher
power levels. Because steel manufacturing lines use so many variable-speed
motors, size reductions in the motor drive units can contribute to substantial
savings in factory floor space that reduce investment costs. High-power-factor
converters are another focus of technology development since these converters
produce less reactive power and introduce lower levels of power line harmonics.
FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device being used in the inverters for such AC/DC motor
drive systems.
Sunday, December 3, 2017
UK Technology is Used in $240m Chinese IGBT Plant
A $240m IGBT (Insulated Gate BipolarTransistor) manufacture plant has been commenced by Zhuzhou CSR Times Electric
Co, a semiconductor maker from China. The company has done this by comprising
technology enhanced by Dynex Semiconductor, its supplementary in the United
Kingdom. This plant is mentioned to be the first of its category in China and
the second all over the world.
Using eight-inch silicon wafers, high
performance IGBT modules and chips will be produced in this new factory which
is located in Zhuzhou. Output is supposed to touch 120,000 wafers and 1 million
IGBT modules every year in the first stage of the operation CSR’s recently
formed semiconductor business is managing the latest IGBT range. Its European
subsidiary is Dynex.
The multinational CSR Zhuzhou Research &
Development Centre is located at Dynex’s site in Lincoln, United Kingdom. The
centre was set up in 2010 to focus on cutting-edge power semiconductor
technology and, particularly, on the succeeding generation of IGBT products.
The technology is being used to make new IGBTs in the new facility has been
developed in this R&D centre.
Over two years were needed by the latest
production line to be built. Technical advice, support, staff training were provided
by Dynex throughout this process, both in China and in Lincoln.
IGBTs are a crucial part in high-efficacy
electrical power transformation systems used in variable-speed motor drives,
uninterruptable power supplies, power grids, trains, renewable power plants and
electric and hybrid electric vehicles. Using the latest soft-punch-through
field-stop and trench technologies, high-power modules will be manufactured
initially by the new range.
Dr Paul Taylor, president and CEO of Dynex
says, “Since the acquisition of Dynex by CSR Times Electric in 2008, there has
been a rapid development in our IGBT capability.”
“Since the acquisition of Dynex by CSR Times
Electric in 2008, there has been a rapid development in our IGBT capability,”
says Dr Paul Taylor, president and CEO of Dynex. “We began with four–inch
wafers, then upgraded to six-inch at our plant in Lincoln. We then extended our
technology to support the design of this new facility. It complements our base
in the UK by giving us access to a world-leading eight-inch IGBT wafer
fabrication facility and a high-volume module assembly line.
“Our rapid development does not stop there,” he
adds. “The new line has been kitted out with the latest equipment, and the next
phase of expansion is already being planned. This targets key markets such as
electric automotive and renewable energy. So at our UK R&D Centre, we are
already working on designing the next generation of advanced silicon and
silicon carbide power devices, and are busy recruiting new staff to expand our
multinational research, design and development teams to meet this exciting new
http://www.uscomponent.com had been selling IGBT power transistor modules
since 2001. Thyssen Krupp, OTIS, IXYS, SONY DADC, General Motors, Hongkong
Electric Holdings Limited, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Trains LTD,
Verkehrsbetriebe Zurich, Czech Airlines, Molex, Cisco, Omron, Good Year Tires,
Thai Airasia, Boeing, Xilinx, LEAR SIEGLER, and General Electric.
http://www.uscomponent.com has a Quality Control Team like no other. This
means that we know how to work hard in order to ensure to make sure that the
quality of all of the parts we’re selling is high. Because we only sell new and
original electronic parts, we provide our customers with a 30-day warranty. And
because we have connections with IGBT power transistor modules manufacturers,
OEMs and distributors, we’re able to pass any savings on to our customers,
giving them a lower price while still providing them with the quality products
they deserve. Our inventory is carefully managed and held to the highest
standards, and stored in a controlled environment warehousing facility.
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
IXYS Corporation Discloses 3600V Reverse Conducting IGBTs (BiMOSFETs™)
IXYS Corporation is a prominent maker of power
semiconductors, integrated circuits and RF powers. Their products are built for
power management, energy efficiency, and motor control applications. This
company is going to release a new 3600V Reverse Conducting IGBT (BiMOSFETs™).
We will get combined strengths of both MOSFETs and IGBTs by using this new
transistor. Featuring “free” intrinsic body diodes and current ratings from 45A
to 125A, these are perfect for high speed, high voltage, and high current power
conversion applications.
Power transistor makers will be able to get rid
of lower current rated devices and multiple series-parallel lower voltages if
they use these high voltage BiMOSFETs™. As a result, the number of power
components required will be reduced and their associated gate drive circuitry
will be simplified. These will lower the system costs and the reliability will
also be improved.
Besides, if required, credits to the favorable
heat coefficient of the on-state voltage and diode forward voltage, these
modules can be operated in collateral to meet even higher current necessities.
Moreover, in the course of turn-off transition, the inherent body diode
provides a path for the inductive load current, inhibiting high voltage
transients from imposing harm to the device.
“We at IXYS pioneered the concept of the
reverse conducting IGBT which we call the ‘BiMOSFET’ family since it combines
the best features of the power MOSFET and the BJT in one monolithic chip. It
evolved from our invention of the Reverse Blocking IGBT, as covered in our US
Patents No. 5,698,454, 6,091,086 and 6,936,908. We now extended the voltage rating
of these devices to enable simpler high voltage conversion circuits with
FET-like gate controls,” commented Dr. Nathan Zommer, CEO of IXYS Corporation,
and co-inventor of this technology.
Various types of power switching systems can be
benefitted by using the new 3600V BiMOSFETs™. Capacitor discharge circuits and
AC switches, uninterruptible power supplies, switched mode and resonant mode
power supplies, laser and X-ray generators are included to this list.
These inverse conducting IGBTs are obtainable
in the below international standard size packages: ISOPLUS i4-Pak™, ISOPLUS
i5-Pak™, and TO-247PLUS-HV. The first two packages supply an electrical
isolation of 4000V through the Direct Copper Bond (DCB) substrate technology.
IXYS Corporation manufactures and sells
technology-based products to enhance power conversion efficacy, generate solar
and wind power, and provide effective motor control for industrial
applications. IXYS provides a diverse product base that addresses worldwide
needs for power control, electronic displays, and RF power, electrical
efficiency, renewable energy, telecommunications, medical devices.
http://www.uscomponent.com had been selling IGBT power transistor modules
since 2001. Thyssen Krupp, OTIS, IXYS, SONY DADC, General Motors, Hongkong
Electric Holdings Limited, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Trains LTD,
Verkehrsbetriebe Zurich, Czech Airlines, Molex, Cisco, Omron, Good Year Tires,
Thai Airasia, Boeing, Xilinx, LEAR SIEGLER, and General Electric.
Monday, November 27, 2017
History of FPGA and Its Invention by Xilinx
Semiconductor Devices which are founded around
a matrix of configurable logic blocks (CLBs) and linked through programmable
interconnects known as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). These
semiconductors can be reprogrammed for the intended applications and
operational necessities after manufacture. Because of this distinctive feature,
FPGAs are different from Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs).
ASICs are custom made for particular applications. Though one-time programmable
(OTP) FPGAs are there, most types are based on SRAM which can be reprogrammed
as the design advances.
ASIC and FPGAs have various value propositions,
and they require to be carefully assessed before choosing anyone over the
other. Information is easily available about comparison between these two
technologies. Today’s FPGAs thrust the 500MHz performance hurdle without any
problem, though FPGAs used to be chosen for lower volume/speed/complexity
design traditionally. With unprecedented logic density increases and a host of
other features, such as embedded processors, DSP blocks, clocking, and
high-speed serial at ever lower price points, FPGAs are an enthralling choice
for nearly any type of design.
PROM (Programmable Logic Devices) and PLD
(Programmable Logic Devices) are the two fields which FPGA industry germinated
from. Both of these had the course of action of being programmed in groups in a
factory of in the field (in case of the field programmable). Nevertheless,
programmable logic was permanently connected within logic gates.
At the last of 1980s, Steve Casselman proposed
for an experiment to build a computer which would apply six lacs
re-programmable gates. This experiment was funded by the Naval Surface Warfare
Center. A patent concerned to the system was issued in 1992 after a successful
test by Casselman.
Patents were awarded to David W. Page and
LuVerne R. Peterson in 1985 in which many of the industry's foundational
concepts and technologies for programmable logic arrays, gates, and logic
blocks were established.
In 1983, Altera was established and brought the
industry’s maiden reprogrammable logic device in 1984 – the EP300–which had a
extra feature of quartz window in the package which allowed users to shine an
ultra-violet lamp on the die to erase the EPROM cells that held the device
The XC2064- the first commercially viable
field-programmable gate array invented in 1985 by Xilinx co-founders Ross
Freeman and Bernard Vonderschmitt.
From technical aspect, any computable problem
can be solved using field programmable gate arrays. It is trivially cleared by
the reality that a soft microprocessor can be implemented by FPGA. Their
benefit keeps in that they are sometimes notably quicker for a number of
applications because of their parallel characteristic and optimality in terms
of the number of gates utilized for a particular method.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
FPGA Design & Programming and Comparison to ASIC
A schematic design or a hardware description
language (HDL) is provided by the user to define the behavior of the FPGA. The
HDL form should be used to work with huge structures because it is feasible to
exactly specify them by numbers rather than having to draw every piece
manually. On the other hand, simpler visualization of a design is the main
advantage of schematic entry.
Then, utilizing an electronic design automation
tool, a technology-mapped netlist is created. The netlist can then be fitted to
the real FPGA architecture using a method called place-and-route, usually
executed by the FPGA Company’s proprietary place-and-route software. The user
will validate the map, place and route results via timing analysis, simulation,
and other verification methodologies. Once the design and validation process is
done, the binary file generated (also using the FPGA company's proprietary
software) is used to (re)configure the FPGA. This file is shifted to the
FPGA/CPLD via a serial interface (JTAG) or to an external memory device.
VHDL and Verilog are the most common HDLs,
though in order to minimize the complexity of designing in HDLs, which are in
comparison to the equiponderant to the assembly languages, there are steps to
increase the abstractiveness level through the introduction of substitute
languages. For targeting and programming FPGA hardware, an FPGA add-in module
is available to National Instruments' LabVIEW graphical programming language
(sometimes referred to as "G").
Formerly, FPGAs (Field programmable Gate Array)
lagged behind than their rigid ASIC (Application-specific integrated circuit)
peers in terms of operational speed, energy efficiency and overall
functionality. It was demonstrated by an older research that designs executed
on FPGAs require on an average 40 times as much area, pull 12 times as much
dynamic power, and achieve one third the speed of resembling ASIC executions.
In the modern days, FPGAs like Virtex-7 from Xilinx or Stratix 5 from Altera
have taken place to contend with resembling ASIC and ASSP solutions by
providing notably minimized power, extended speed, and decreased cost of
materials, least execution real-estate and expanded likelihood for
re-configuration 'on-the-fly'. A design can now be attained using just one FPGA
where 6-10 ASIC may have been used in the same design in the past.
Conveniences of FPGAs comprise the facility to
reprogram in the area to fix bugs, and can comprise a briefer time for
marketing and lesser non-recurring engineering expenses. A moderate road can be
taken by the vendors by developing their hardware on common FPGAs, but
manufacture their ultimate version as an ASIC. As a result of this, it cannot
be modified any longer after the design has been implemented.
Specified uses of FPGAs comprise ASIC
prototyping, digital signal processing, computer hardware emulation,
software-defined radio, medical imaging, bioinformatics, computer vision,
speech identification, cryptography, metal detection, radio astronomy and an
increasing extent of other areas.
In the beginning, FPGAs started as challengers
to CPLDs and contended in an analogous space, that of glue logic for PCBs. As
their size, capacity, and speed enhanced, they started to takeover bigger and
bigger functions to the point where few are now marketed as complete systems on
chips (SoC). Especially with the launch of dedicated multipliers into FPGA
architectures in the late 1990s, applications which had conventionally been the
only reserve of DSPs started to incorporate FPGAs instead.
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
IC Package Types and Definitions
IC (Integrated Circuit) means an assemblage of
electronic components such as resistors, transistors, capacitors, etc. All
these are crammed into a very small chip and attached with each other to
acquire a common objective.
The IC package is what encases the die of
integrated circuit and extends it out into a device we can more conveniently
attach to. Every external connection on the die is linked via a very small
piece of gold wire to a pad or pin on the packaging. The silver, extruding
terminals on an IC are the pins. These pins carry out the work to link to
different components of a circuit. These are of highest significance to us
whereas they are what will go on to connect to the remaining elements and wires
in a circuit.
Every IC is polarized and each is pin is
distinctive in case of both position and operation. For this reason, it is
necessary for the package to have some way to impart which pin is which. For
most ICs, a dot or a notch (in some cases, both or sometimes anyone of them)
designates the first pin. If you can recognize the first pin, the rest of the
pin numbers increase according to the sequence as you move counter-clockwise
around the chip.
The way how the IC packages mount to a circuit
board is one of the primary distinguishable package type characteristics.
Mainly there are two mounting types: through-hole (PTH) or surface-mount (SMD
or SMT). All packages fall into one of these two mounting types. Usually
through-hole packages are bigger in size and much simpler to work with. They are
designed especially to be pierced through one side of a board and dredged to
the other side.
Surface-mount packages can be small to
minuscule in size. They are all intended to be installed on one side of a
circuit board and be dredged to the surface. Most of the times, the pins of a
SMD package thrust out the side. These also steep to the chip, or are sometimes
set out in a matrix on the bottom of the chip. ICs with surface mount packages
are not very suitable to assemble with hands. Generally special tools are
needed to assist in the process.
There are numerous varieties of IC packages,
each of which has distinctive measures, mounting styles, and/or
pin-enumerations. These packages are batched into three major categories: Dual
In-line Packages, Grid Arrays and Chip Carriers. Each package, regardless of
the category has a body style that scales with pin count. The number of pins
determines the physical dimension of the package, the name of the package does
1. Dual In-line Packages [DIP], or Dual In-Line
[DIL] packages are packages with two rows of leads on two sides of the package.
DIP ICs may be through-hole [PDIP or CERDIP] or SMT package [SOJ or SOIC].
2. Quad Flat Packs or Chip Carriers are square
packages [or nearly square], with leads on all four sides Chip Carriers, as in
PLCCs and other variants are strictly Surface Mount Technology (SMT).
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
IGBT in Refrigerator Compressors and Induction Cookers
Refrigerators have become essential appliances
in society for the preservation of food and beverages. The quality of life for
people has been greatly enhanced with the availability of affordable
refrigerators for homes. Most household refrigerators utilize the vapor
compression cycle with a circulating refrigerant used to cool the refrigerator
compartment. Household refrigerators originally used an on/off controlled,
constant-speed, single-phase induction motor to drive the compressor. The poor
efficiency of this approach made the refrigerator one of the highest power
consumption appliances in the home. In order to improve the efficiency, modern
refrigerators with the Energy star rating utilize variable-speed, three-phase
induction motor drives. Current models that are Energy Star qualified use 50
percent less energy than the average models made in 1974.
The variable speed drive to the induction motor
is provided using the six IGBTs in the inverter stage. The author’s state: “The
total energy savings was about 40%. The system is very quiet and maintains a
constant temperature within 0.1 degree Celsius which improves the quality and
shelf life of food stored in the refrigerator.” Many companies have optimized
IGBTs for use in refrigerator compressor drives due to the large market
opportunity. Some companies have developed intelligent power modules, which
combine the IGBTs, fly-back rectifiers, and the drive circuits into a single
module. This provides a very compact and low cost motor drive option that can
be easily adopted for the manufacturing of refrigerators.
The method of inflaming an electrically
conductive object (normally a metal) using an electromagnetic induction is
called Induction Heating (IH). The object is heated by eddy current or Foucault
currents. Induction heating (IH) is a familiar technology and very often used
for cooking appliances.
A notable volume of power is dissipated by the
IGBTs used in induction heating cooking applications when the application is
operated at high power levels. For this reason, big heat sinks are employed
generally in order to confine the junction temperature of the IGBTs from
increasing more than its recommended specification value.
An induction coil in the cook-top inflames iron
bottom of cookware in induction cooking using rotational magnetic induction.
Only ferrous pans can be used perfectly in induction cooking, others such as:
aluminum pans, copper-bottomed pans etc are not compatible usually. The heat
inclined to the bottom is transferred to the food via (metal surface)
conduction. Each and every IH cooking appliance functions using the
electromagnetic induction phenomenon: an AC current flowing through a circuit
(ex: the heating coil) yields an inconsistent magnetic flux, thus causing eddy
currents to occur in a secondary circuit (i.e. the load to be heated).
Advantages of induction cookers comprise
potency, protection (the induction cook-top is not het itself) and fastness.
Both permanently installed and portable induction cookers are available in the
market. You have the option to choose between fixed and portable induction
cookers according to your need.
Because of using large heat sinks to meet the
maximum junction temperature requirement, the aggregate cost of the IH cookers
raises. Despite their higher initiatory cost compared to gas or electric
cooking appliances and the need for special pans made of ferromagnetic
materials, IH cooking appliances present benefits such as high energy
efficiency, fast and safe cooking, and easy to clean cooktops that have made
them popular around the world. The market for induction heating applications
will grow tremendously, if production costs can be reduced, and more efficient
induction heating cookers can be developed.
Monday, November 20, 2017
FZ1200R33KF2C - A Durable IGBT For Motor Control
If you decide to use FZ1200R33KF2C in your
traction and industrial applications, you do not have to worry about
performance and reliability. FZ1200R33KF2C is a 3300V/1200A IHV 190mm single
switch IGBT diode-inverter with IGBT2. Its weight is 8.82 lbs. It is a switch
that is used in order to allow power flow in the on state and to stop power
flow when it is in the off state. It works by applying voltage to a
semiconductor component, therefore changing its properties to block or create
an electrical path. You will be more than satisfied with its build quality. The
module is very sturdy and highly dependable. It is manufactured by Infineon
Technologies AG, a prominent semiconductor supplier from Germany. Infineon is
famous for their sophisticated product lineup, which addresses three central
challenges to the modern society: energy efficiency, mobility, and security.
Eupec is the previous name of Infineon Technologies.
FZ1200R33KF2C features high energy consistency
for compact inverter models. Its housing is standardized too. It is an IGBT
device that combines the voltage characteristics of a biopolar transistor
(collector – emitter) and the drive characteristics of a MOSFET. The target
applications of FZ1200R33KF2C are Motor Control and Drives, Railway Traction,
Wind Energy Systems, Commercial, Agriculture and Construction Vehicles (CAV)
In today's competitive & dynamic
environment, there is a continuous pressure to find new methods to increase
energy efficiency, mobility and security in all motor control applications. At
the same time, software's progressively important role in systems directly
contributes to their complexity and increases costs. Today's motors are
increasingly driven via electronic controls, which provide better control of
speed, position, and torque, as well as much better efficiency, rather than via
direct connection to their source of power (whether AC or DC). To do this, the
motor-control circuit must switch the current flow to the motor's coils on and
off quickly, with minimal switching-time or conduction-period losses in the
switch itself. That's where FZ1200R33KF2C is used. This semiconductor device
serves the needs of motor drive and power control. This electrically
controllable switch controls the current flow path to two or more motor coils.
This allows full control of the motor speed and direction. FZ1200R33KF2C is
such a module which is widely used in different machineries and apparatuses.
A hybrid vehicle system consists of an electric
motor, a battery and an inverter. An electric power conversion system is needed
to supply electrical energy from the battery to the motor, and to store energy
generated by the motor in the battery. The inverter is used as that power
conversion system FZ1200R33KF2C is one of the most common modules to use as the
main switching device in this electric power conversion system.
There are some specific motor control
applications which FZ1200R33KF2C are most suitable for. These are brushed DC
motor, brushless DC motor, induction motor, servo motor, stepper motor,
switched reluctance motor, permanent magnet synchronous motor, Industrial
automation etc.
Friday, November 17, 2017
FZ1200R16KF4 - A Highly Reliable IGBT From Infineon
FZ1200R16KF4 is a 1600V IHM 130mm single switch
IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) Module with IGBT2 which is made by
Infineon, formally known as Eupec who is one of the leading manufacturers and
suppliers of semiconductors and system solutions. It is a 3-phase full-bridge
power module including fast free-wheel diodes package with insulated metal base
plate. It is the best solution for your traction and industry applications. In
terms of energy, there are three central requirements of our modern society.
They are: efficiency, mobility and security. Infineon provides semiconductor
and system solutions, focusing on these three central needs.
Modern train traction systems use high-speed
switching IGBTs in main circuits. High-speed switching reduces electromagnetic
noise generated by the main motor and improves the efficiency of energy
conversion. For the inverter control system, vector control is employed to
control the torque current component and the exciting current component
separately, which are output to the induction motor.
In modern, intense and heavy traction
applications like: locomotives, long-distance trains, metros and trams, which
move on a world-wide variety of railroad networks, FZ1200R16KF4 is employed.
You can find them in metro drive systems, in innovative, high speed trains and
in auxiliary inverters. There is hardly any other application that puts such
high demands on the components as traction. High quality, reliability and
lifetime are the most important product features in this market segment.
FZ1200R16KF4 has advantages like ongoing development for higher voltage and
current ratings and these benefits makes them really obligate in traction
appliances. There is barely any other application that puts such high pressure
on the components as traction. One important requirement is the ability to
withstand power cycles. Power cycles cause temperature changes which lead to a
mechanical stress that can turn into a failure. High quality, reliability and
lifetime are the most important product features in this market segment.
FZ1200R16KF4 is a very capable device which can fulfill all these requirements.
Due to its advantages in terms of fast switching,
ruggedness, simplicity of gate drive and ease of use, the use of Infineon
modules is widespread. While the IGBT can limit and commutate current due to
normal fault events, the traction environment may present situations where
extensive energy is conducted through the module. Compared to alternative
solutions, these can reduce 40 to 50% in inverter cost, weight, and volume.
However, the fast switching operation requires special attention to reduce the
circuit inductance to avoid overvoltage at switching. Another issue worth
consideration is the ability of the module to manage faults without allowing
extensive rupture or explosion.
By providing the latest technology, Infineon’s
solutions allow their customers to enjoy the benefits of standardized housings
combined with maximum reliability. They offer wide portfolio of innovative
components tailored to needs of various traction and auxiliary inverters.
http://uscomponent.com is an IGBT distributor selling Eupec Infineon
IGBTs such as FZ1200R16KF4. They have an exceptional quality control team who
know how to take necessary steps to make sure that the quality of all of the
parts they’re selling is high. Please do not hesitate to send us an email
sales@uscomponent.com for stock check or tech support.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
FZ1200R12KL4C - A Very Good Solution For Solar Energy Systems
Today we will know about FZ1200R12KL4C, a
1200A/1200V IHM 130mm single switch IGBT power transistor module with IGBT2 low
loss and Emitter Controlled Diode. The weight of this device is 8.82 lbs. It is
the perfect choice for your industry applications such as Motor Control and
Drives, Solar Energy Systems, Wind Energy Systems, Uninterruptable Power
Supplies, and etc. It is manufactured by famous German manufacturer Infineon
Technologies who are specialist in making semiconductors and system solutions
by targeting the primary needs of our modern society. Infineon was known as
Eupec previously in the world of technology. High reliableness and solid module
construction are the features for which FZ1200R12KL4C is exceptional. This
module is recognized by UL too. We will be eligible to get some extra
advantages if we use this transistor in our industry applications. High power
density can be achieved for compact inverter designs by using this.
Standardized housing is another attribute which makes FZ1200R12KL4C unique. We
are going to have a discussion about the implementation of FZ1200R12KL4C in
solar inverters. Solar power has a large potential to provide the electricity
needs of the world’s burgeoning population.
However, in 2008 solar-power supplied less than
0.02% of the world's total energy supply. A solar inverter converts variable
direct current (DC) output of a photovoltaic (PV) solar array panel to AC
voltage. The energy produced from solar panels is used to power household
appliances directly, charge batteries or feed electricity directly back to the
grid in return for credit against future power bills. All of these applications
need AC voltage. The DC voltage produced by the solar array must be converted
into a desired well regulated AC power by using an IGBT based inverter.
FZ1200R12KL4C provides advantages in solar inverter applications compared to
other types of power devices. It delivers low conduction and switching losses
resulting in high inverter efficiency. Benefits like high-current-carrying capability,
gate control using voltage instead of current and the ability to match the
co-pack diode are found when FZ1200R12KL4C is used as the power device in solar
FZ1200R12KL4C has some major advantages over
MOSFETs and bipolar transistors. First, it has very low on-state voltage drops
because of the conductivity modulation, in addition to superior on-state
current density. These factors allow manufacturers to fabricate devices with
smaller chip size and at lower cost. Second, these boast low driving power and
simple driving circuits due to the input MOS gate structure. It is simpler to
control compared to current controlled devices such as bipolar transistors.
Third, FZ1200R12KL4C has fantastic forward and reverse blocking capabilities.
These characteristics encourage designers to select this IGBT module for solar
inverter applications. Young & New Century LLC is located at Houston in
Texas, United States. Our official website is http://www.uscomponent.com. We have been selling IGBT power
transistor modules like FZ1200R12KL4C for the last fourteen years. We sell
original & new parts only. You can trust us in terms of quality because we
always try to supply the authentic parts. All of our parts are backed up with
30 days warranty. Please take a look at our website for stock check or
technical support.
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
FF800R17KF6C_B2 - An Ideal Dual IGT For Wind Power Systems
FF800R17KF6C_B2, a 1700V IHM 130mm Dual IGBT
Module with IGBT2 Low Loss, enlarged diode and AlSiC base-plate. It’s the best
solution for your renewable energy and industry applications. The module is
manufactured by Infineon Technologies AG, a renowned semiconductor manufacturer
from Germany. Infineon provides semiconductor and system solutions, focusing on
three central needs of our modern society: Energy Efficiency, Mobility and
Security. FF800R17KF6C_B2 is highly reliable and features robust module
construction. It has enlarged diode for regenerative operation.
Power semiconductors have a major role to
generate energy from renewable sources. In wind turbines, power semiconductors
are utilized to transform power and to combine the generator with the grid.
They are also made into different subsidiary drives such as pitch drives, yaw
drives, pumps and into protection circuits like crowbars. A number of vital
functions and applications are controlled by wind power converters and that’s
why highest quality power semiconductors are required. This is applicable in
specific to offshore wind converters which operate in immensely tough
conditions exposed to salt, humidity etc. Speedy growth is planned for the
offshore portion. FF800R17KF6C_B2 is a perfect choice in these fields.
Wind energy turbines must also be intended to
deliver maximum levels of availability in order to contribute to grid
stability. This applies not only to the converter, but also to the different
subsidiary drives mounted in different positions. Grid stability therefore
depends on power semiconductor assemblies offering dynamic capabilities,
outstanding functionality and superior reliability.
Advantages like high power density for compact
inverter designs & standardized housing can be found if we use
FF800R17KF6C_B2 in wind power applications.
There has been flourishing global advancement
in wind power generation. The sum of power produced using wind-power has raised
from 7.5 Giga-Watts in 1997 to 74 Giga-Watts in 2006 with further increment
happening at the rate of a doubling of generation every three to four years. It
is calculated that 12 percent of the world’s electricity requirements will be
supplied by wind-power in 2020. The prominent wind power generators in the
world are Germany and Spain, succeeded by the United States. China is also
invasively imitating wind-power generation. China blueprints to spend $ 700
Billion until 2020 in renewable energy projects. Huadian Power International
Corporation, a China based company has obtained authorization to build two wind
power projects with an associated capability of 147 Mega-Watts. Moreover, an
Indian company, Suzlon Energy, has become the world’s eighth largest generator
of wind turbine generators. Companies have also fixed on wind-power as a
significant growth segment in the future.
http://www.uscomponent.com had been selling IGBT power transistor modules
since 2001.Infineon, Thyssen Krupp, OTIS, IXYS, SONY DADC, General Motors,
Hongkong Electric Holdings Limited, Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Trains LTD,
Verkehrsbetriebe Zurich, Czech Airlines, Molex, Cisco, Omron, Good Year Tires,
Thai Airasia, Boeing, Xilinx, LEAR SIEGLER, and General Electric.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
FZ1200R12KF5 - A Perfect IGBT For Motor Control
FZ1200R12KF5 is a TRANS IGBT (Insulated Gate
Bipolar Transistor) module N-CH 1200V 78A 7Half-Bridge. This module is
manufactured by Infineon Technologies, Germany previously familiar as Eupec who
is one of the prime manufacturers and suppliers of semiconductors and system
solutions. The best applications of FZ1200R12KF5 are DC motor control, NC
equipment, AC motor control, contactless switches, electric furnace temperature
control, light dimmers & welders. In case of power & energy,
efficiency, mobility and security are three basic needs of this modern society.
Infineon has sorted their product lineup by considering these facts.
FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device that combines the voltage characteristics of a
biopolar transistor (collector – emitter) and the drive characteristics of a
Prior to 1990s, the only available power
semiconductor switching device was silicon GTO which had the power manipulation
capability compatible for motor control applications. In the 1990s, the ratings
of IGBTs had adequately advanced, to exceed one Mega-Watt allowing penetration
of the IGBT into this traction market. The availability of the IGBT allowed
significant improvements in the motor drive technology due to elimination of
snubber circuits and an increase in the operating frequency of the inverter
circuit used to deliver power to the motors. FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device
from Infineon which is used frequently for electric motor control.
The Motor Control Unit (MCU) is the vital part
of a 100% electric-powered vehicle as it handles and regulates the electrical
power supply to the electric motor to generate the necessary level of torque to
power the vehicle by converting the battery packs DC voltage into three-phase
AC. Inversely, the MCU is responsible for managing the electrical energy that
is generated by the regenerative braking system and is fed back into the
lithium-ion battery pack.
The crucial electrical components accommodated
within the Motor Control Unit are a smoothing condenser to help stabilize the
DC current, several FZ1200R12KF5 convert the DC electrical current into AC, a
heat sink to provide cooling/heat dissipation and a control board that
supervises the electric motor. The control board is located in a separate area
within the MCU from the smoothing condenser, the IGBTs and the heat sink to
protect it from the heat generated by these components.
Infineon Technologies has developed
voltage-source inverters for AC motor drive systems with IGBT based inverters
serving applications under 3,600kVA and GTO thyristor inverters for higher
power levels. Because steel manufacturing lines use so many variable-speed
motors, size reductions in the motor drive units can contribute to substantial
savings in factory floor space that reduce investment costs. High-power-factor
converters are another focus of technology development since these converters
produce less reactive power and introduce lower levels of power line harmonics.
FZ1200R12KF5 is an IGBT device being used in the inverters for such AC/DC motor
drive systems.
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