Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Infineon Raises SIC Mosfet to a Whole New Era of Improved Technology

Devices that raise the technology to a  whole new level, using SIC MOSFETS allows conversion to operate at triple or more the switching frequency leading to benefits, something  that was impossible until now, Dr Helmut Gassel, president of infineon`s Industrial Power control said these devices reached a  whole new level which has never before been possible, they are smaller and contain a lighter system for less transportation and easier installation.

As we arrive to a new era filled with new possibilities technology keeps changing, the SiC MOSFETs is a prove of this, it has been optimized to combine reliability with performance. They operate in a magnitude lower than 1200 V, this reduces the dynamic losses and also supports system improvements in applications such as photovoltaic inverters and charger/storage systems among others, this also extend the support to industrial drives and the durable life of the devices.

These  MOSFETS are fully compatible  with +15 V/-5V voltage typically used to drive IGBTs, their structure combines a benchmark  threshold voltage rating (V th) of  4V with a  short circuit robustness which is required by the target applications  and fully controllable dv/dt characteristics, This initially supports system improvements in applications such as photovoltaic inverters, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) or charger/storage systems, while later configurations will also extend support to industrial drives.

The latest evolution of Infineon`s comprehensive family of cool SiC technologies includes schottky diodes , 1200 V J- FET devices and a  range of hybrid solution that integrates a better battery charging, energy storage and the integration of a  commutation  robust  body diode operating with nearly zero  reverse recovery losses.

For Infineon this is the culmination of years  of experience and improvements, truly something to keep an eye on.

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