FZ1200R17KF4 is an insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) produced by Infineon Technologies. It is designed for high-power switching applications in industrial and renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar inverters, and electric vehicles.
The FZ1200R17KF4 is a third-generation IGBT that combines low switching losses with high current density and high blocking voltage capabilities. It has a maximum voltage rating of 1700V and can handle a continuous current of 1200A. The device features a low on-state voltage drop and a fast switching speed, which helps to reduce power losses and increase efficiency.
The IGBT is packaged in a module format and includes built-in protection features such as short-circuit protection, over-temperature protection, and under-voltage lockout. These features help to protect the device from damage due to overloading or overheating.
The FZ1200R17KF4 is also designed for easy paralleling, making it suitable for use in high-power applications that require multiple devices to be connected in parallel. The device also features a high level of reliability and a long operating life, making it suitable for use in demanding applications.
Overall, the FZ1200R17KF4 is a high-performance IGBT that offers excellent efficiency, high power handling capabilities, and reliable protection features. It is suitable for a wide range of industrial and renewable energy applications where high power and efficiency are required.
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