Saturday, August 22, 2020


ON Semiconductor Corporation ON anunció recientemente que Danfoss ha seleccionado los transistores bipolares de puerta aislada (IGBT) de alta potencia de la compañía para alimentar sus módulos de tracción del inversor para el mercado de vehículos eléctricos favoreciendo asi a Danfoss, que es una empresa de tecnología electronica, con sede en Dinamarca, fabrica módulos de potencia personalizados para aplicaciones automotrices, industriales y renovables. Los chips IGBT de ON Semiconductor ayudarán a Danfoss a satisfacer la creciente demanda de módulos de potencia de alto rendimiento que necesitan los vehículos eléctricos.ON Semiconductor fabricará los componentes de alta potencia en Nueva York, East Fishkill y Bucheon, mientras que los módulos de potencia se desarrollarán Danfoss en Flensburg y Utica. 

El acuerdo de Danfoss es una gran victoria para ellos, ya que es probable que ayude a la compañía a consolidarse en el mercado de electrificaciones de vehículos que es altamente lucrativo. Esto, a su vez, impulsará el crecimiento de primera línea de los productos en los próximos días.

Friday, August 14, 2020

IGBT in Electric Car

 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a relatively new device that is noted for its high efficiency and fast switching, making it ideal for applications where saving energy and protecting the environment are important factors. Consequently, IGBTs are found in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, in wind turbines and solar installations, as well as in smart grids and modern household appliances, such as refrigerators and air-conditioning systems. Although the automotive market is relatively small, the number of electronic components in automobiles is steadily rising. Hybrid and electric vehicles have the highest share of electronic devices. They need IGBTs for power control.


The power control unit (PCU) in these cars regulates the transfer of energy between the battery and electric motor. Such PCUs can contain up to 20 IGBTs. IGBT usage in the car industry is expected to grow around 70 percent in 2015. When a hybrid-electric car is operated on highways, it operates with power delivered from both the gasoline-powered Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) and the battery-powered electric motor. In this case, IGBTs are needed to operate the ignition system of the ICE and to drive the motor. The battery in the hybrid-electric car must be recharged to renew the stored energy. This is also performed using IGBT-based circuitry in the power electronics module. In conclusion, the availability of IGBTs has been crucial to the success of the hybrid electric car and to the deployment of the charging infrastructure for the plug-in electric vehicles. The IGBT will continue to play an important role in the availability of cost-effective technology for the entire electric vehicle industry.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Use of IGBTs in Tesla Roadster

Tesla Roadster is the first high-performance electric car in the world. It is very speedy, unprecedented; handles like a dream, and goes like a bullet. But it doesn’t consume a single drop of gasoline and practically noiseless. Traditional gasoline-powered cars contain hundreds of moving parts. But the Roadster is powered by just four main systems. These are The Energy Storage System (ESS), The Power Electronics Module (PEM), an electric motor, and a sequential manual transmission. We will talk about the power electronics module below. The Roadster battery, as with all batteries, stores electricity at a DC voltage. The motor uses energy in the form of an AC voltage. 

The Power Electronics Module functions as a bridge for energy between the charge port, battery, and motor. Every electron ever used in a Roadster, from the motor drive to the dome light, flows through the Power Electronics Module. It is a power inverter and charging system that converts AC voltage from the grid at between 90V and 265V, into DC voltages between 250V and 425V using 72 insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs). This lead to a significant increase in power output likened to first-generation electric cars. Under peak acceleration, the batteries can provide 200 kW of energy -- sufficient to power 2,000 incandescent light bulbs. Along with controlling charge and discharge rates, the Power Electronics Module controls voltage levels, the motor RPM (revolutions per minute), torque, and the regenerative braking system.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

Infineon ECONODUAL IGBT Modules -Spanish

 Munich, Alemania - 18 de diciembre de 2019 - Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) presentó en marzo el nuevo chip IGBT7 para su conocida plataforma  Easy. Ahora está implementando el TRENCHSTOP ™ IGBT7 de última generación en la clasificación de la potencia media: en el paquete estándar de la industria EconoDUAL ™ 3. En esta tecnología de chip, el módulo de 1200 V proporciona una corriente nominal líder de 900 A que permite un 30 por ciento más de corriente de salida del inversor para el mismo tamaño  en comparación con la tecnología anterior. Si bien las mejoras específicas del chip y la carcasa del módulo apuntan directamente a aplicaciones de accionamiento industrial, también se puede utilizar muy bien en diseños para vehículos comerciales, de construcción y agrícolas (CAV), servoaccionamientos, así como inversores solares y UPS.

Basado en la nueva tecnología de zanjas de micro-patrones, el chip TRENCHSTOP IGBT7 funciona con pérdidas estáticas mucho más bajas en comparación con el IGBT4. Su voltaje de estado activado se reduce hasta en un 30 por ciento para la misma área de chip. Esto trae una reducción significativa de pérdidas en la aplicación, especialmente para los accionamientos industriales, que generalmente operan a frecuencias de conmutación moderadas. Además, se ha mejorado el comportamiento de oscilación y la capacidad de control del IGBT. Los módulos de potencia cuentan con una temperatura de unión de sobrecarga máxima permitida de 175 ° C.

Otra mejora se refiere al diodo de rueda libre (FWD) que también se ha optimizado para aplicaciones de accionamiento. La caída de voltaje directo del diodo de séptima generación controlado por emisor (EC7) ahora es 100 mV menor que la caída de voltaje directo del diodo EC4, con una tendencia a la oscilación reducida durante la desconexión del diodo, Sin duda alguna estamos ante una mejora considerable que será favorable en todos los ámbitos actuales.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Use of IGBTs in Automated External Defibrillators

One of the every four deaths in the advanced world takes place because of cardiac arrest. Eighty-five percent of deaths from sudden cardiac arrest occur due to ventricular fibrillation. Without synchronization of heart muscles, blood flow through the body is interrupted leading to starving oxygen from organs. The victim will almost certainly die within 10 minutes unless aid is provided. A defibrillator applies a dose of electrical energy to the heart muscles which depolarizes a critical mass of the heart muscle, terminates the arrhythmia, and allows normal heart rhythm to be re-established. It is essential that the defibrillator be located close to the victim and be easily operated to provide the life-saving response within 10 minutes. 

Automated external defibrillators (AED) are now widely deployed in places such as corporate and government offices, shopping centers, airplanes, airports, restaurants, hotels, sports stadiums, schools and universities with a high density of aging populations. The automated external defibrillator is designed to provide simple voice commands to prompt the administration of the live-saving electrical jolt to the victim. According to USA Today, about 450,000 people die each year in the U.S. from sudden cardiac arrest. Among these victims, the American Medical Association (AMA) estimates that more than 100,000 lives can be saved by the availability of modern AEDs enabled by IGBTs. Many companies have made IGBT particularly customized for the implantable defibrillator market.